Parents of the Class of 2017,
Senior class has the opportunity to go to Splash Lagoon for their final Senior
event! This overnight stay will include:
Thursday, April 6, 2017:
8:00 AM Leaving
from SOTA - Coach bus trip to Niagara Falls/vicinity
1:00 PM A stop for lunch (fast food restaurant)
3:00 PM Approximate arrival at Splash
4:00 PM Park opens and students will
dine in the restaurant in the hotel/park
9:00 PM Park closes for the evening
9:10 PM Students report to rooms and we
will gather for games and “chill” time
12:00 AM Students in their rooms for the
Friday, April 7, 2017
8:00 AM Breakfast (included)
9:00 AM Park opens - Lunch and Dinner,
(on their own) at the park
7:00 PM Leave the park to come home
11:30 PM Return to SOTA for student pick up
The cost of this event is $ 90.00 the
price includes:
into the park on Thursday night to include the Ultimate Experience package –
4:00 PM – 9:00 PM
on Friday morning
into the park on Friday to include the Ultimate Experience package - 10:00 AM –
6:00 PM
We will be
traveling to and from Splash Lagoon on a charter bus.
Students will be
staying at the Clarion hotel (part of the park) for the overnight
Students are
allowed to bring snacks and sodas
Students will
only be allowed to attend if they are
NOT at risk of graduating
Students cannot have any LONG TERM SUSPENSIONS this
school year.
Students must
have 85% attendance or better
All students’
bags will be scanned
All students and
parents will submit a signed contract prior to April 5, 2017
Students should
bring money for food in the park and on the bus ride home –
Suggestions to bring to Splash Lagoon
Glasses/contacts and cleaning solution
Prescription medication – MUST BE APPROVED BY THE NURSE
Light jacket
Tank tops
Sweat pants or warm up pants
◦ Flip
Comb or brush
Feminine hygiene products
Bug repellant
Lip balm
Nail clippers
Shampoo and conditioner
Shaving cream and razors
◦ Toothbrush,
toothbrush container, and toothpaste
Flashlight and spare batteries
Laundry bag (plastic bag for wet clothes on Friday)
Spending money for food and souvenirs if desired
course it goes without saying that bathing suits are a MUST for this trip!
Are you keeping up with the news this week?
1. Adele is married.
2. 21,800 films now have an "F-Rating". (Do you know what an "F-rating is in film"?
3. UK's CO2 emissions are at their lowest since the 19th Century.
4. Trump keeps the two ends of his necktie together with scotch tape.
5. Sheep horns grow in the winter months because it's dark.
6. Sociable woodpeckers have smaller brains.
7. Neanderthals dosed themselves with painkillers and possibly penicillin.
8. Iceland will be the first company to make firms prove equal pay.
9. Short men are more likely to go bald
Moving on.... Despite of having had no school on Thursday and Friday, 3/ 4 of you sent along the material. For those of who did not complete the Rokeach Survey and the written response, please send along by this Wednesday, after which this is worth only 50 points in the writing category.
Below you will find the next step in our advertising unit. Please read carefully and note that there is a matching quiz on the terms this Thursday. This will count in the homework category.
Learning Target: I can evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of
evidence and rhetoric,assessing the stance, premises, links among ideas, word
choice, points of emphasis, and tone used.
Continuing with advertising: please read over the following material and assignment.
You will have a quiz on Thursday, March 16 on the following terms. Please learn!
1. Bandwagon Uses the argument that a person should believe or do something because “everybody else” does
Consumers buy the product because they want to fit in. Consumers assume that if others buy it, the product must be good.
Consumers buy the product because they want to fit in. Consumers assume that if others buy it, the product must be good.
2.Bait and Switch Dishonest tactic in which a salesperson lures customers into a store with the promise of a bargain
Consumers are persuaded to buy a more expensive item.
Consumers are persuaded to buy a more expensive item.
3.Celebrity Spokesperson Uses a celebrity or famous person to endorse a product
Consumers transfer admiration or respect for the celebrity to the product.
Consumers transfer admiration or respect for the celebrity to the product.
4.Emotional Appeals Make viewers feel certain emotions, such as excitement sadness, or fear
Audience transfers that feeling to the product.
Audience transfers that feeling to the product.
5. Glittering Generalities Emphasizes highly valued beliefs, such as patriotism, sadness, or fear
Consumers accept this information, often without enough real evidence to support the claim.
Consumers accept this information, often without enough real evidence to support the claim.
6.Humor Used to make audiences laugh, but provides little information about the product or service
Consumers remember the ad and associate positive feelings with the product.
Consumers remember the ad and associate positive feelings with the product.
7.Individuality Consumers celebrate their own style, or rebel against what others are doing. Consumers perceive the product as unique, stylish, or cool.
8. Loaded Language Uses words with positive or negative connotations to describe a product or that of the competitor – such as purr, snarl, or weasel words
The words appeal to consumers’ emotions, rather than their reason. "Purr words", such as “fresh” or “juicy,” make a product seem more desirable.
9. Name-calling Attacks people or groups to discredit their ideas
Consumers focus on the attack rather than the issues
10. Plain Folk Shows ordinary people using or supporting a product or candidate
Consumers trust the product because it’s good enough for regular folks.
11.Product Comparison Compares a product with the “inferior” competition
Consumers believe the feature product is superior.
Assignment: Due by the end of class on
Tuesday. March 14.
Below you will find 25 creative ads. On a word document,
number 1-25
First: see if you can guess the sponsor; that is what is being advertised. Some are obvious, others not so much, so you might have to research.
Second: name the demographic audience. Think
carefully here about this.
Consider age, gender, economics,
ethnicity, geography and education. This is
complex, and most struggled with this last week.
Third: what persuasive technique (s) do you observe?
Select from the above.
Support this with specific evidence from the advertisement.

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